Monday, December 12, 2022

Daisy on the Balcony

About 5:30 a.m. and Daisy wakes me up...she needs to go out for a pee.  Groggy, up the stairs, turn on the outdoor lights and she's out to do her business.  She's soon back inside and we're both back in bed for a few hours.  Soon after we get up I receive a text from my brother (who's staying in a condo at the Lodge Hotel in town) with an invitation to breakfast at the 12-34 Cafe...Daisy gets her breakfast (plus a few treats) and I'm off.  Great breakfast of spinach and cheese quiche and black coffee made even better by the company of my brother Robert and his partner Cheryl.  After our meal they head home to Calgary with Susie their young springer spaniel and I'm off to pick up Daisy for a drive and a short walk.  Daisy loves driving around...especially with her window open...lots to sniff and smell.  We had a fun day of it in and around Elkwater.

The photos here are Daisy sitting out on the balcony after dark...she's keeping an eye on me, making sure everything is okay.  She's a sweetie and little gets past her. 

Dogs are funny, curious creatures.  I shovel plenty of snow off the stairs and balcony so she has plenty of clean and dry areas but much of the time she prefers lying in the snow...hmmm.  I keep a few towels handy for when she comes back inside.    

Photographed at Daisy's house in Elkwater, Alberta on December 10, 2022.


  1. We sure enjoyed our visit and the xc skiing was wonderful.

  2. Nice colour coordination between the dog's booties and your brother's ski jacket!

  3. Daisy is a sweetie....she looks as though she has a bit of border collie in her lineage.

    1. She's an Australian Shepherd so I'm sure she has something in common with border collies.
