Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Geese on the Icelandic River

Look under and behind the bridge...Canada Geese are everywhere.

They would soon be migrating for the winter months...to the southern States or maybe Mexico.  They'll be back next spring.

Photographed in Arborg, Manitoba on October 19, 2022.


  1. Replies
    1. I enjoyed my time in Arborg (and area). One buys beer at the drugstore. :-)

  2. That's a common sight on our river just a few feet from our apartment. Nice to see, but not so nice to try to take a walk in the park after they'd been there for awhile!

    1. We have hundreds of geese here year round because the power plant keeps the river open. The best part of that is I get to see flocks of geese flying just a few feet above my balcony each morning. Sometimes they're so close I could almost touch them...a wonderful way to start the day.

    2. Us too - amazing to see them that close. Love to see the young ones getting flying lessons - they honk, honk, honk quite hysterically until they take off and then we can always tell when they're coming back because you hear them long before they get here. Never thought I could say geese get hysterical but it sure sounds like they do!

    3. I enjoy watching them up close...gotta be careful when the goslings are around though.
