Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alberta. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

More About the Bell House at Saint Elias

Last fall I revisited Saint Elias near Pakan with the main purpose of exploring the old bell house.  See some history of it here:  "Щасливого Різдва!"

The new wooden siding is already starting to have that weathered look.  I believe the interior is mostly original to when it was built in 1906.

Just inside the door there are a number of interesting objects.

These are some of the shingles from the original bell house roof.

These are some of the old shingle nails.

I wonder how much they cost now?  When the bell house was completed in 1906, Alberta had only been a province for one year.

The bell house served many purposes.

This was the sign attached to the bell house when it was part of the Shandro Museum. 

A couple of montages on the walls.

The stairs are just inside the door and lead up... where the bells are mounted.  The bells were purchased at a cost of $170.00 and installed in 1906.  I'll bet the ladies in the congregation sold a lot of cookies and Christmas cakes to raise all that money.  Good on 'em. 

This is a photo (of an historical photo inside the bell house) of the original church that burned down in 1954.  I would have loved to see the old church but I wasn't even born at the time.

And this is the beautiful church the congregation built after the fire.

As it happens, I was misinformed about how the bell tower came home to Saint Elias.  The truth of the matter is that when the Shandro Museum disbanded, the right of ownership reverted back to Saint Elias.  And I, for one, am glad they brought is back home.  Even though I am in no way connected to Saint Elias, seeing the new church united with the old bell tower left me with a sense of satisfaction.  One of those little things that brings such larger joys.

Over the years I've had the privilege and pleasure to visit dozens upon dozens of churches and cemeteries, bell towers and memorial sites all across the prairie provinces and states.  Every one is special in its own way but Saint Elias is one of a tiny handful that is unforgettable and, dare I say, precious.  Heartfelt thanks to all those who care for this beautiful place out in the country.  

Historical information courtesy of the Canadian Orthodox History Project.

Photographed at Saint Elias Russo Greek Orthodox Church and Cemetery near Pakan, Alberta on November 8, 2024.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

My Tour Guide at Saint Mary's

Do you remember the wet dog photos I posted a couple of years ago?  Click the following link for a refresher:  Wet Dog

She lives just down the road from Saint Mary's and is friendly as friendly can be (and this time she wasn't wet).  After parking the car and a few cuddles she gave me a tour of the grounds.  

I hope to revisit Saint Mary's later this year to see first hand how the new church building is coming along.  Hopefully she'll be there to accompany me on another tour.

This last photo is my favourite of her...majestic and free, handsome and mysterious.  

Photographed at Saint Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church and Cemetery near Boian, Alberta on November 9, 2024.

Monday, January 27, 2025

We Will Rebuild

On Tuesday June 6, 2023, Saint Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church of Boian, Alberta caught fire and was damaged beyond repair. The fire was caused by an electrical short circuit.    

Click the following link to see what the one hundred and eighteen year old church looked like before the fire: What A Shame

The congregation was determined to rebuild and only fourteen months later they broke ground for the new church.  Following are some photos taken last fall that show how much progress they've made on the new building (and in such a short time).  God bless them all.

Photographed at Saint Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church and Cemetery near Boian, Alberta on November 9, 2024.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Happy Holidays!

 Wishing everyone all the best in the holiday season.

"Mister Snowman" was spotted near Cherry Grove, Alberta on November 8, 2024.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Daisy says "Hello!"

A few photos taken near the end of my gardening season this past fall...Daisy was still keen on helping out.  She's often a bright spot in my day. 

Beautiful winter weather down here at the moment so I hope to take her out for a ride around town in the next day or two...a day trip in the country would be even  better.  

Photographed in Medicine Hat, Alberta on September 26, 2024.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Little Yellow Church

This little yellow church is the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Parish of Saint John the Baptist in Bellis, Alberta.

Over the years I've been through Bellis on a number of occasions but this was the first time I'd seen the church building.  I'm sure you're asking, "how could you miss such a brightly coloured building in a small town?"  Well...

Up until this past summer the unpainted church was hidden behind a couple of huge old spruce trees, so when driving down the street it wasn't of any notice.  But when it was realised that the roots of the spruce trees were beginning to damage the foundation of the church, the trees were removed and the church was painted this very bright yellow.  

I hate to see the trees gone, but it's nice to see the little yellow church in all it's glory once again.  

Information courtesy of a Bellis local.  When in doubt, consult a local.

Photographed on November 8, 2024.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Farm Dogs near Kahwin

A couple of farm dogs I've encountered on several occasions in the Kahwin area of Alberta.  Always happy to reconnect with canine friends...they really are something special. 

Glad they're still doing well, happy and healthy, out enjoying the scenery and doing dog stuff.  Just the way it should be.

Photographed on November 9, 2024.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Monday, November 11, 2024

Not Forgotten on Remembrance Day

Bless him and all who have fought for our freedom. 

Photographed at Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cemetery near Desjarlais, Alberta on November 9, 2024.

Friday, November 01, 2024

Day of the Dead

A day to honour loved ones who have passed along into the ether.  Enjoy this happy celebration of life and death.

Borschiw Cemetery near Haight, Saskatchewan.
September 17, 2021.

Saint Wolodymyr Cemetery near Cappon, Alberta.
November 7, 2021

Hanks Cemetery near Zahl, North Dakota.
June 22, 2023

Ukrainian Settlers Mass Grave near Olha, Manitoba.
July 27, 2022

Congregational Cemetery near Gros Ventre-Tothill, Alberta.
September 9, 2023

Sacred Heart Cemetery near Bow Island, Alberta.
May 29, 2019

Holy Ghost Ukrainian Cemetery near Ispas, Alberta.
February 23, 2020

Blessed Virgin Mary Church Cemetery near Rhodes, Manitoba.
July 24, 2022

Ostriem Cemetery near Leeds, North Dakota.
September 16, 2023

Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery near Prelate, Saskatchewan.
October 26, 2024

"Feliz Día de los Muertos"

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Hallowe'en

Happy Hallowe'en everyone!

Photographed on my balcony in Medicine Hat, Alberta on October 11, 2024.

Thursday, October 17, 2024