Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Good Morning

Before starting work in the morning I'll sometimes grab a breakfast sandwich from the A&W and then park in Hillside Cemetery...lots of quiet company.  

This past Friday a crow perched on top of a headstone gained my attention.

In my eyes, crossing paths with a crow is a sign of good fortune.  And as it turned out, I proceeded to have a busy but very pleasant day working in the garden with Daisy for company and then an enjoyable evening at home.  Thank you crow. 

Photographed at Hillside Cemetery in Medicine Hat, Alberta on May 5, 2023.


  1. A nice bacon 'n egger in the peaceful cemetery with your pal Mr Crow -- great way to start your day!

    1. He was there again the next day as well and watched while I put a peanut-in-the-shell on a headstone. As soon as I was back in the truck he picked up his treat and flew off with it. (Yes, I always carry a handful of peanuts in the truck. You never know when you'll run across a hungry crow, blue jay or flicker.)

  2. Replies
    1. That they are. I've had a few crows and ravens for friends over the years. They like peanuts and shiny things...tiny treasures to put in their nests.

  3. I hope the avian flu stays far away from him (her?). A lot of the Canada Geese here are dying from it and apparently it's hitting crows as well.
