Sunday, May 21, 2023

Barn near Surprise

A barn near Surprise, Saskatchewan.

Just as I was about to leave an owl appeared in the hayloft door.  I'll bet there's a nest with owlets somewhere inside.  Mama owl picked a nice spot to raise her babies.

Photographed on May 15, 2023.


  1. Replies
    1. Abandoned buildings make a great home for wild birds and animals. There's been a family of owls here every spring for at least the past six or seven years that I've been stopping by...good for them!

  2. Nice place to raise a family, for sure. Wonder where the name 'Surprise' orginated from.

    1. I wish more abandoned buildings were left standing to provide homes for wildlife.

      It was probably a surprise to the settlers when they arrived in middle of nowhere.
