Monday, July 27, 2020

Sage is Home

And he has a wondrous view.

A couple of months ago my dear friend David Carter's Norwegian Elkhound "Sage" was killed by a cougar in the Cypress Hills of Alberta.  A pet quickly becomes a member of the family and their passing is truly a sad and heart-wrenching time.

This outstanding sculpture of Sage was commissioned by the Sodero Family of Medicine Hat, Alberta and was recently presented to David as a memorial gift.  Sage once again stands on guard at Saint Margaret's Church and Cemetery in Eagle Butte, Alberta.

The creator of the "Sage" sculpture is Marina Cole.  Much of her outstanding and imaginative work can be seen in both public and private spaces in Medicine Hat and on her website here:
Chainsaw Spirit

The inspirational photos used in developing the sculpture were taken by Geneviève Côté.

A special thank you to Roy and Dexter who were Sage's companions and caretakers on his many visits to town.

And to David Carter...thank you for giving Sage a home he loved and still dreams about.  I've heard that the Cypress Hills are a gateway to that case, Sage couldn't be in a better place.

Everyone who was a part of Sage's extended family misses him deeply.  You can read more and see photos of Sage roaming the hills here:  Sage

Photographed on July 23, 2020.


  1. Wonderful. Our dogs become such a big part of our lives.

    1. Thank you Dale. Pets are family members plain and simple.

  2. What a great tribute to Sage and such a special gift to his family and friends. He will forever be on guard.

  3. How blessed I was with him..he taught me so much

  4. There is a pathway caused by the footprints of persons who specifically visit Sage and pat his head - Children in particular. At the work bee today 3 dogs came to visit his statue...
