Tuesday, July 07, 2020



...and going.

Remember these?  Jets!

I spend much of my time outside and always enjoy seeing the vapour trails of jets off to exotic and faraway places.  Not so much anymore though...it's now a rare occasion.

I had been considering a trip to L'viv, Ukraine for this fall but that won't be happening, at least not anytime soon.  Maybe I'll have to settle for Vancouver (always a great place to visit in my opinion!).

The world has gone crazy so all one can do is to try to make the best of each and every day.

Photographed above Saint Demetrios Cemetery near Gorlitz, Saskatchewan.


  1. Yeah, I cancelled a trip to Greece this fall. C'est la vie.

    1. I'm looking forward to a road trip or two in Saskatchewan and Alberta...if and when the roads dry up, that is.

  2. Oddly enough I hadn't given any thought to the fact that there are precious few vapour trails these days. Seeing this reminds me to pay more attention.

    1. Some friends flew out to Victoria a week ago and are returning today. Can't wait to hear what the flight was like.
