Tuesday, April 11, 2023

She's Still a Sweetie

Stopped to take some photos of an old schoolhouse but as soon as I stepped out of the car this border collie from the farm across the road came over to greet me.  She was quite shy at first but we soon enjoyed some cuddles and pets.

It may be hard to tell from the photo but somehow her right eye had been hurt in the past and she's most likely lost sight in it.  The good news is that she seems to have adapted quite well, and best of all, she's still a sweetie.  

When I was ready to leave she went back to the farmyard and laid down beside the swing set where the farm kids were playing.  A wave goodbye and I was back on the road. 

Photographed near Burdett, Alberta on April 11, 2023.


  1. Replies
    1. She was really a sweetie. Farm dogs are pretty special to me...being a farm kid and all.

  2. Sounds like that farm dog has a pretty sweet life, all things considered.

    1. I think so. She really enjoyed the cuddles...and so did I.

  3. awwww - I have a soft spot for border collies so I would have enjoyed providing skritches too.
