Tuesday, April 25, 2023

By Rail and Road

The big old bowstring bridge near Scotsguard, Saskatchewan.

I've taken photos of this handsome relic of the past on many occasions but this was the first time I ever saw it in a wintry landscape.  Thanks BW!

Photographed on April 8. 2023.


  1. Replies
    1. Generations of people have been able to enjoy it and hope it's around for many more to come.

  2. As far as I know, this is the only six span bridge of its type. I walked across it in 2015 and it was in pretty good condition.

    1. I've never seen another like it. Over the years I've walked the railroad tracks to the bridge a few times and also walked across it. When driving past it's hard to resist stopping for a few more photos.

  3. Impressive sight, no matter the season, I expect.
