Early October in the Cypress Hills of Alberta.
One can almost see forever from this lookout on Reesor Road.
Even though spring hasn't quite sprung here in southern Alberta, I can't wait for the return of fall.
Photographed on October 3, 2022.
"Bison Antiquus"Before you stands the life-size and colour replica of a species of bison that once lived on the North American Plains. It commemorates the St. Louis Site (FfNK-7) discovery in 2002 AD east of the village of St. Louis on the terraced remains of an ancient flood plain of the lower South Saskatchewan River. The location contains evidence of repeat bison kills, butchery and camp sites of some 13 human occupations dating back at least 4590 to 8400 years. Along with the remains of bison, fish, waterfowl, rabbit and grouse, the site in 2002 offered evidence of a stone-tool making station, the base of a Late Plano spear point and a possible shell sequin, Larger than the modern bison by 25%, the Antiquus Bison, now extinct, roamed this area following the recession of the fourth and last ice age some 10,000 years ago."