Thursday, October 13, 2022

Snow Geese

The snow geese migration is now in full swing.

It's always a joy to see them on a stop-over on their way south.

Photographed near Smuts, Saskatchewan on October 10, 2022.


  1. Now you have me wondering if that's the same spot we saw when we were driving home from BC several years ago. We were astounded at the sheer numbers of geese but we couldn't pull over to get any photos because it was snowing and high winds and it wasn't safe. Always have regretted not being able to get pictures.

    1. Snow geese have lots of favourite spots on their way back south. This sighting was well off a main road...there were thousands of them! As far as I know, there are more snow geese on the planet than Canada geese...that's a lot of of geese. And they have my best.
