Saturday, October 15, 2022

Dawson Bay

Making the best of a rain day.

Was travelling south from The Pas, Manitoba when I saw a sign for Dawson Bay.  A short detour sounded like a nice change of pace and just a few miles down the road I was greeted by fishing boats docked in the bay on Lake Winnipegosis. 

And look at that!  Can't even see land on the other side.

Photographed at Dawson Bay, Manitoba on October 11, 2022.


  1. Wow, you really got around Manitoba, didn't you!

    1. Hope to get to the Arborg and Gimli areas before I head for home.

  2. Replies
    1. So far, over 4000 kilometres and counting. It will most likely be the last long road trip of the season so I'm going out of my way to make the best of it. By the way, a long road trip is "highly recommended" in my books.

  3. Must be a large lake. Would be nice to take a tour on one of those boats.

    1. Manitoba has lots of lakes and some of them are absolutely huge.
