Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saint Michael's near Montmartre

Saint Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church is near Montmartre, Saskatchewan.

The tall oversized cupola dominates this otherwise simple country church.

The free-standing cross in the cemetery is something more often seen in Ukrainian Catholic cemeteries making this an unexpected treat.  The grounds are surrounded by a caragana hedge interspersed with spruce trees, box elders and various volunteer trees.

I like the way the clouds seem to just hover and sway above the grounds.

Isolated from the main cemetery are these two headstones with the church in the background.  True to form, the brick chimney is painted white from the bottom of the wall to the eave of the roof.

Outside looking in...each of the windows is complete with an arch of yellow, blue and green coloured glass giving the church that little touch of grace.   

Photographed on May 19, 2021.


  1. That cupola almost looks as though it doesn't belong - perhaps it might have been an addon at some point.

    1. The cupola on a country church is often out-of-scale with the rest of the building. Chances are most of these little churches didn't have the benefit of an architect's hand in either the design or building stages so it was "do the best you can" with the volunteers available at the time. As far as I know, the cupola is original to the church.
