Friday, November 22, 2019


When I finished up my gardening duties for the season I decided to take a road trip north of Saskatoon.  I'd never been through the area so everything was "new to me."

I stopped at Stump Lake-Hillside Cemetery soon after lunchtime and was greeted by Blue.  As you can see he's a Blue Heeler.

It was one of those days that was overcast but so bright it almost hurt to look up into the sky.  The light seemed to intensify the colours making Blue actually look "blue" and the autumn grass a glowing golden colour.  Notice Blue's peachy-red coloured socks.

As it so happens, three year old Blue takes care of the two fellows who in turn take care of the local cemeteries.  He does a great job, wouldn't you say?

Blue gave me a tour of the cemetery.

He listens well too.  When it was time for him to get back to work and for me to go all I had to do was say "stay" and that was that.  He's a sweetie.

Photographed near Canwood, Saskatchewan on October 25, 2019.


  1. Replies
    1. There are blue ones and red ones. Blue is definitely one of the former.

  2. Don't think I've seen that breed before - he definitely looks impressive. Takes his duties seriously too!
