Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Two Bowstring Bridges near Dummer

Finding old bowstring bridges out in the middle of nowhere is always a treat...especially where the land is flat as a pancake.  But yes (though hidden well) there are creeks out here in the prairies.   

Bridge Number One above...

...and Bridge Number Two below.

Flowing water beneath, lush greenery all around and swallows overhead...I don't think I could have visited on a nicer day.

And the best news of all is that they are both still used on a daily basis.  Must be nice to drive over an historic bridge on the way into town to pick up the mail and then again back to the farm.

Photographed near Dummer, Saskatchewan on June 23, 2023.


  1. I am always looking for these great old bridges. Nice finds and even better when they are still being used.

  2. Nice that they're still in daily use and hopefully they stay that way for a long time to come.
