Friday, March 31, 2023

The Old Bridge near Margaret

Chatting with a lady out walking her dog in town was a pleasant break from my drive in the countryside.  It was a chilly morning but as we stood talking the fall sun soon blessed us with some much needed warmth.  

About twenty minutes later when it came time for me to get back on the road she asked, "Have you seen the old bridge?"  

Hadn't seen one quite like this before.  It was only a short walk from the main road but well worth it, don't you think?          

Photographed near Margaret, Manitoba on October 16, 2022.


  1. Replies
    1. Just by chance I came across three bridges that day. Enjoyed them all.

  2. Replies
    1. Sometimes you just can't beat the information from the locals.

  3. Chatting with locals is obviously a great way to find little treasures like this. It's a beaut!

    1. The locals can usually point out a hidden treasure or two.
