Saturday, May 08, 2021

Saint Peter's at Lac La Nonne

Saint Peter's Anglican Church on a sunny winter day.

A small cemetery with large mature trees sits behind the the church.

The exterior of the church has been weather-proofed with a new metal roof and stucco siding but...

...a peek through a window shows the interior to be mostly original to when it was built in 1911. 

Photographed at Lac La Nonne, Alberta on February 17, 2021.


  1. This is a pretty one - enjoyed the peek inside and seeing that the pews are angled.

    1. I like the black and white combination...stark and attractive! I don't see angled pews very often.

  2. Very nice. Did you get the interior shot through the window glass? We usually just get reflections when we try this.

    1. You need to shroud your other arm around the camera to block out the reflections. In this photo you can see a little bit of reflection in the upper left hand corner.
