Thursday, July 07, 2022

Церква Святої Марії

The first of five posts featuring photographs taken on August 6, 2020...a very hot day in the Saskatchewan countryside.

"Saint Mary's Church"

This is the first church of the parish and was constructed in 1917.  Although a much larger church was built in Meath Park in 1958, the original country church and cemetery you see here are still maintained as a historical site.

Saint Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church and Cemetery is in the Samburg/Meath Park area of  Saskatchewan.

Photographed on August 6, 2020.


  1. Wonder whatever happened to the pews (my mind does work in mysterious ways I have to admit).

    1. Ukrainian churches originally had no pews. They were added many years later. Maybe the pews were donated to another church?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks BW. Wasn't expecting the church to be open...bonus!
