Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Liberty School

An old country school near Milo, Alberta.

I don't know if this is the original colour scheme but I like the creamy yellow with sage green trim.

Since these photos were taken the door and all of the windows have been covered with chipboard.

This is what remains of the chimney...

...and this is the top the old bell tower.

The original sign above the front door.

All of the pioneer schools in Vulcan County, Alberta have been marked.  A few of the signs are missing but well over one hundred of them are still standing.

Photographed on September 22, 2017.


  1. And look at that old oil tank on the side!

    Looks like those plaques are made of bronze. Are they being stolen to sell as scrap? Lot of that going around these days.

    1. I'm not sure if they are solid bronze or a metal that mimics bronze (probably the latter). None of them have been stolen but I'd hazard a guess that the ones missing have been victims of cultivators.

  2. Been here a few times. This one could probably be restored.

    1. I believe its owned by the Milo Historical Society, the windows & doors have since been covered over. Was able to go inside a few years ago and look around.

    2. There was some talk a few years back about moving it to Milo and turning it into a museum.
