Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Saint Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church at Dnister

This was my first visit to Saint Mary's at Dnister so it was a special occasion of sorts.  The weather was fine, the sky was blue and the grass was green.  Simply a wonderful time to discover some local history.  

Construction on the church began in 1904 and completed in 1906.  Some years later an extension was built onto the eastern end of the church which not only gave more space for parishioners but meant there was now a dedicated spot for the tabernacle.  There was also a lean-to added on to the northeast corner of the church which was most likely where the priest prepared his sermons.  The angular window frames and white/green colour scheme are classic.       

From left to right: the church, a stone cairn memorializing the pioneers who settled the Dnister area prior to 1914, an ornate crucifix and an open-frame timber bell tower. 

Some close-ups of the church and grounds.  Saint Mary's is mostly surrounded by dense bush but, only two miles eastward, is the western shore of Lake Winnipeg. 

The plaque shown above is mounted beside the front door on the west-facing wall of the church and commemorates the one hundredth anniversary of Saint Mary's.  

A few hazy photos of the interior taken from the outside in.  Nothing fancy here...stations of the cross on the walls, banners on poles, simple hand-hewn pews...and lovely all the same.  Seen to the extreme left on the photo directly above is the steep stairway that leads to the choir loft.  Almost every Ukrainian country church I've seen on my travels has a choir loft.  No musical instruments was the rule of the day...only voices.   

This little country church is adorned with a small tin-covered cupola...something I'm sure would have made the early pioneers feel right "at home" in New Iceland.  

The blue and yellow centennial sign that graces the site.  I was happy to see several of these handsome signs designating other historic sites in and around New Iceland.  There is lots of well-documented and preserved history to see in the area.   

Saint Mary's is known by a number of other names, as are many country churches, with "Dnister Church" being the local favourite.
Information courtesy of Canada's Historic Places and the Manitoba Historical Society Archives.

Photographed near Gimli, Manitoba on September 22, 2023.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Arborg Heritage Village

Lots to see at the Arborg & District Multicultural Heritage Village in Arborg, Manitoba.  

A peek through the front window.

Brandson House and Chapil Barn.

My visit here was well past "tourist season" so I didn't get a chance to see the interiors of the buildings...still a nice visit on a beautiful fall day. 

Photographed on October 18, 2022.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Aldag S.D. No. 1361

A monument at the former location of a one-room schoolhouse in southern Saskatchewan.

"Construction of the Aldag School began in 1912 - completed in 1913.  Enrollment varied from 7 to 35 pupils.  The building was used for church services, dances, card parties and public meetings.  On June 10, 1966 a decision was made to close the school.  The students were bussed to Gull Lake."

As an aside...I grew up on a small farm near the town of Midale in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan.  Through the years the one-room school there was replaced first by a two storey brick building, then by a modern school built circa 1960.  I started school in the new building in 1962 and completed Grade 12 in 1974 in the new wing that had been added circa 1967 to the modern school.  And, believe it or not, the school is still thriving to this day.  A rare thing indeed in this day and age.  Midale has a population of about five hundred and fifty people.      

Photographed near Gull Lake, Saskatchewan on June 17, 2023.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Tommy the Turtle

Tommy the Turtle greets visitors to the border town of Boissevain, Manitoba.  

He gets his name from the Turtle Mountains that span the Manitoba/North Dakota border just south of town.  The "mountains" are much like the Appalachians: expansive, forested, rolling hills.  Quite beautiful.

Say "Hi!" to Tommy when you're in town.

Photographed on September 17, 2023.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024

Wheat Stalks

Out for a drive with Miss Daisy...

It was a warm winter's day and while driving through the Connaught area of town I spotted this metal wheat sculpture.  An unexpected find in suburbia.  Nice!

I think Miss Daisy enjoyed her ride around town.  She had her window open, got a few treats and a tummy rub or two.  A lovely way for both of us to spend a Sunday afternoon.     

Photographed in Medicine Hat, Alberta on February 12, 2023.

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Early Fall at the Arts Park in Boissevain

Something to brighten up a winter's day...

The Arts Park in Boissevain is a community green space wholly run by volunteers.  And even though it was getting late in the gardening season there was still plenty of greenery and blooms to see.  

A couple out for a walk stopped to say hello while I was enjoying the garden.  They said most of the volunteers were older folks but there had lately been some interest shown by a few youngsters.  Here's hoping all the generations can work together to keep this community garden beautiful for years to come.  

The thought and expression, creativeness, hard work and realisation shown here is above and beyond any expectations.  "Thank you" to all those who make our lives just a little bit brighter.

Photographed in Boissevain, Manitoba on September 15, 2023.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Boule Creek S.D. No. 3314

A handsome little schoolhouse near Cadillac, Saskatchewan.  

Kids in the area went to school here for fifty years from 1914-1963.  

An old swing set near the hedge.

The grass in the schoolyard was thick and dense.

And the flagpole still straight as an arrow.

This is the front door where the kids would enter the school every week day.  

The white acrylic sign is looking pretty washed out but the taller black metal sign is holding its own.

The road past the little school on the Saskatchewan prairie...a road which goes ever on.

Photographed on June 17, 2023.