Sunday, March 19, 2023


Following my afternoon visit to Lac Qui Parle Church I was off to see a few sites in and around Torquay and then further south to take in an old cemetery  nearer the Canadian/American border.  Before I knew it, the sun was setting and it was time for me to head for Weyburn where I'd booked a motel for the night.

On my way to the highway I saw the church again, about a mile in the distance, but now enveloped in a purple and gold sky...a lovely way to end the day. 

Photographed near Torquay, Saskatchewan on October 17, 2017.

(More of) The Pink Church

Some photos of the The Pink Church have been previously posted to this blog but here is a deservingly more expansive view of both the church and cemetery.

On the north side of Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana stands Sacred Heart Catholic Church and Cemetery.  The church is known locally as The Pink Church.

The church and cemetery were established by Jesuit Priests in 1924.  Even though the church closed in the 1960's, the cemetery is still used to this day.  

I like the simple and often homemade memorials on the graves.  It's uplifting to see that those buried here are still remembered by their loved ones.  This is a beautiful place and the trip here is well worth it.

My visit reminded me of the adobe churches I saw some years ago in the southwestern U.S.A.  It would be right at home in southern New Mexico or Arizona.  The cemetery made me think of those I had seen in northern Mexico and it would feel right at home there.    

Photographed near Harlem, Montana on September 1, 2017.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Enjoying a Sunny Day

Lots of ground squirrels out enjoying the warm sunny weather today, as was I.

Photographed near Cappon. Alberta on March 17, 2023.

Did you know...

...that if you walk up the stairs of the folly... will find a guest book?  Let your visit be known by signing your John Henry.

The view through the apertures is splendid in every direction.

And for the more adventurous, there is a ladder that will take you up top.  I'm saving that feat for another day (when I'm not wearing a bulky parka).

Fun stuff out on the prairie.

Photographed near Oyen, Alberta on February 24, 2022.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


A couple of sheep just across the road from where I was taking photos of a church.  

As soon as I walked towards them they ran like the dickens back to the barn.  Pretty shy...they were a lot like Walter in that way.

Photographed in Kayville, Saskatchewan on May 26, 2022.

Monday, March 13, 2023

No Gardening Today

I don't think my gardening services will be needed at Saint Margaret's any time soon.  

Hmmm...maybe in June?  

This is the heaviest snow pack in forty years.  

Photographed near Eagle Butte, Alberta by David Carter on March 12, 2023.

Saint Stephen's at Tangleflags

Not far east of the Alberta/Saskatchewan border stands Saint Stephen's Anglican Church.  It was built in 1937.  

I'm sure it's been some time since there were regular services here but I'll bet this country church is host to the occasional wedding or funeral...or maybe just a pot luck supper and celebration of life from time to time. 

The church and grounds are now maintained par excellence by the Tangleflags Community Club.  A big "thank you" to those decicated people. 

It is now a Saskatchewan Heritage Site.  Stop by for a visit.

Thanks to the RM of Brittania.

Photographed near Tangleflags, Saskatchewan on June 28, 2022.

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Lots of fresh snow down here in southeastern Alberta so I think some wildflowers are in order.  Can't wait to see them in full bloom this coming spring (whenever that may be).  

Photographed at Saint Wolodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Cemetery near Cappon, Alberta on June 23, 2022.

Daisy and I Thank You

A special "thank you" from Daisy and I to all the anonymous viewers of this "Past Presence" blog.  We appreciate the visits...and many happy returns.   

Photographed in Elkwater, Alberta on November 27, 2022.

Friday, March 10, 2023

The View from Here

A ranch sign south of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan near Spring Valley.  

The beautiful view made for an enjoyable drive through the countryside.

Photographed on October 26, 2017.