Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Bridge near Scotsguard

About five years ago it looked like this (click the following link):  Six Arches
Not much has changed, and in my book, that's a good thing.

I occasionally hear reports of historic structures being dismantled or burned down for one reason or another.  Sadly and most recently, Cottonwood School near Pense, Saskatchewan was indeed burned to the ground.  Well, I don't think anyone with that intent would have much luck with this sturdy old and the many old bowstring bridges like it were built to last.  But, indestructible as it looks, the probable reason it's still standing is that it would simply be too expensive to knock down and then clean up the mess.  I guess that means a "thank you" to the bean-counters is in order (never thought I'd say that!).  

So, chances are, this old bridge and others like it still have many happy decades ahead of them...and that's also a good thing.  Enjoy these pieces of the past while you can.

Photographed near Scotsguard, Saskatchewan on May 11, 2022.


  1. One of my favourite bridges. Sorry I missed Cottonwood School.

    1. This bridge is always a welcome sight!

      Here is a link to some photos of Cottonwood School taken in the spring of 2021:
      (You may need to copy and paste the link in your browser.)

  2. Yay for it being too expensive to remove - that means people will get to enjoy it for years to come. I'm sure the farmers must still use it.
