Monday, August 22, 2022

Norbert's Garden

This is the smallest of three garden areas Norbert has developed in his yard.  I think it's obvious...he's a natural born gardener.

He was out tending to yard duties and I was next door taking photos of an old church when we struck up a conversation.  Both being gardeners, we had lots to talk about.  While sharing some gardening secrets his kitty came home from galavanting about the neighbourhood.  As everyone knows, kitties really do think the sun revolves around them...and that's not necessarily a bad thing (as far as they're concerned anyway).  It also helps to have nine lives.

On a sad note, Norbert's wife has some serious health issues and much of his time is spent caring for her.  To tell the truth, I can't imagine what that is like to deal with...but I'm really glad that Norbert has his gardening.  Making something beautiful is often its own reward.

Photographed in Baldur, Manitoba on August 18, 2022.


  1. What a glorious riot of colour! And I know Baldur, Manitoba. The area was settled by Icelandic people who named it for the most honourable and well-behaved Norse god.

  2. Beautiful! The colours all go together so well. I'm sure his garden is a spot of brightness in his days.

    1. I think Norbert's garden is somewhat of a saviour...if you know what I mean.

  3. Love your posts. I never know what I will encounter when reading your blog. Nice garden.

    1. Thanks BW.

      This was the fourth day of an extended road trip so it was time for a "day off." You know...stop in each little town for coffee, see the sights up close and personal, make a few new friends and back to the motel by midday for a nap...taking it easy out in the country.
