Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I've seen frogs every day on my road trip through southern Manitoba.  That's a good thing. 

I like frogs.  When I was a kid growing up on a small farm in southeastern Saskatchewan there were an abundance of frogs.  I had a little red wagon that I would partially fill with water (after plugging the drain holes in the corners with broken twigs of course), place a few flat stones in the water then pull the wagon around and collect frogs.  Whenever I found one I'd place it in the wagon and continue on my search for more frogs.  Many would simply jump out but some stayed put and seemed to enjoy the ride.  At the end of the journey I'd dump them out of the wagon by the slough near the potato patch.  Fun kid stuff.     

Photographed near Senkiw, Manitoba on August 22, 2022.


  1. When I was a kid my dad would bring me tadpoles from the pond in the spring and I'd raise them and finally release them back to the pond. Great stuff for a kid!

  2. btw - further on frogs - have you ever seen the skit Red Skelton did about frogs? One of the funniest things I've seen and I think you can find it on you tube.
