Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Lace Window

Above is one of four stained glass windows inside Saint Boniface Catholic Church near Leofeld, Saskatchewan.

I was immediately attracted to the "lace" design on the glass panels being something I had not seen before.  The red and blue pieces are surface-textured stained glass, which is certainly nothing unusual and exactly what one would expect.  But the large opaque panels along with the lime green, harvest gold and amber pendants have all been stenciled to create a "lace" design not unlike a fine lace tablecloth.  Beautiful!     

At the top of each Gothic arched window is a hand-painted panel outlined in blue glass.  This one depicts a chalice, wheat and grapes while the top-most photo shows a lamb holding a pennant with a red cross...both being familiar images in Christian churches.

Photographed on August 3, 2020.