Monday, September 28, 2020

Frenchman River Valley

Three years ago to the day...

Some photos taken while travelling east through the Frenchman River Valley towards Eastend, Saskatchewan.  The light-coloured areas in the hills are white clay deposits.  Great Western Railway operates a rail line through the valley.

It's one of those landscapes that simultaneously feels new yet familiar.  Highly recommended for an afternoon drive at any time of the year.   

Photographed on September 28, 2017.


  1. Have you visited the Avonlea badlands? The badlands are on private property but tours can be arranged through the Avonlea museum. The museum is also worth a look. These pictures reminded me of the Avonlea badlands. Great post. Lots to see in that area.

    1. Thanks Dale! I haven't been through the Avonlea badlands but thanks for the recommendation. I'll bet you'd like Writing-on-Stone near Milk River.

  2. Beautiful! Would love to see this in person but alas I'll have to enjoy it via your photos.

    1. Thanks MA. I look forward to a trip through the valley every so often.
