Sunday, March 22, 2020

"Hi! Wanna Play!?"

Spontaneous fun in the Saskatchewan countryside.

Recently while driving along a country road I noticed a Black Lab puppy playing in the snow-filled ditch.  As soon as I stopped and opened the door she bounced over like puppies do and quickly gained my full attention.  I got out of the car and she gave me that look:  "Wanna play!?"  A loud hand clap had her running around with her tail wagging at full speed.  She...we were having a good time.  She wasn't much interested in me trying to get photos but I did get these two when she settled down for a few seconds...then she was off on another dash through the ditch and back to to the car for a head scratch and a pet.  She's a sweetie!

Photographed near Lumsden, Saskatchewan on March 17, 2020.


  1. There's never any social distancing with dogs!

    1. That's nice to know. We brightened up each other's day.

  2. It always scares me for a second when country dogs come running out towards my car!
