Saturday, January 27, 2024

Madoc School

The former school in Madoc, Montana.

Had a nice visit with a father and son who were repairing a truck in their garage a little ways down the street.  

There's not much left in Madoc; some abandoned buildings, vehicles and machinery, a pair of old grain elevators, the train hasn't passed through town in decades...and that's just the way they like it.

I took my leave just as they were being called in for lunch by the head of the house.

Photographed on September 16, 2023.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Spring 2017

A flashback to mostly spring make everything better, n'est pas?

May 21, 2017
A clump of buffalo beans alongside the highway just north of Simpson, Montana.  It's not spring without these cheery golden yellow blooms.  

May 28, 2017
At one time it was common to plant irises at the grave of a loved one...especially in country cemeteries on the prairies.  A lovely way of remembrance.  The grass was just barely turning green at Kincorth Lutheran Cemetery but these irises were already in full bloom.  They're tough and hardy. 

June 2, 2017
Fleabane is a native plant throughout the prairies.  This clump of happy white flowers was just outside the entrance to the Empress Cemetery.  The town of Empress is in Alberta, but the Empress Cemetery is just across the border in Saskatchewan.  

June 11, 2017
I'd stopped in Hilda, Alberta to take a few shots of the grain elevator and while doing so, came across this beautiful orange butterfly amongst the alfalfa flowers. 

June 17, 2017
If you're lucky enough to be traveling along Eagle Butte Road near Woolchester, Alberta at just the right time you'll be rewarded with the visual delight of these masses of pink flowers.  I always look forward to seeing "the pink fields" in full bloom.  I believe they are a species of vetch. 

June 21, 2017
A bee foraging in the blooms of a froebelii spirea in one of the gardens I tend in town.  Bees really are the busiest little guys.

June 24, 2017
Flowers and butterflies aren't the only spring delight...a doe with her fawns just across the lane from the Post Office where I pick up my mail.  The second fawn is hidden mostly behind mama deer.

June 24, 2017
A pincushion cactus flower on an acreage where I tend to some gardening.  The resulting fruit is sweet and delicious.  Leave some for the animals and birds...they need a treat every so often too.

June 28, 2017
The waxy yellow flower of the native prickly pear cactus.  I found this one high above the southern bank of the South Saskatchewan River in southern Alberta.

June 30, 2017
Bunchberries blooming in the Cypress Hills of Alberta.  They are the smallest variety of the dogwood species I've seen anywhere.  The unique four-petal flowers later develop into brilliant red berries that are enjoyed by a variety of wild animals and birds.

An interesting fact about bunchberries...when a bee or other insect lands on a flower it stimulates the flower to open at the incredible rate of half a millisecond...spreading the pollen at a few thousand times the force of gravity.  Imagine that.

Hope you enjoyed the somewhat belated spring tour of 2017.

Photographed in Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Red-Winged Blackbird

Late afternoon near Lostwood, North Dakota.

This red-winged blackbird was trilling from his perch on top of a steel fence post.

Photographed on June 21, 2023.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Saint Paul's near Gros Ventre-Tothill

A long forgotten cemetery about ten miles northwest of the Cypress Hills in Alberta. 

It was active from 1914 to 1947 and, at one time, there was also a small church on the grounds.   

"Heaven is my home" reads the epitaph on this child's headstone.     

Saint Paul's Lutheran Cemetery near Gros Ventre-Tothill, Alberta was photographed on September 9, 2023.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Happy Orthodox New Year!

Almost forgot...Happy Orthodox New Year from Saint Michael's!

Even though it's late...a good bottle of champagne is in order.  Cheers!

Photographed near Rama, Saskatchewan on March 20, 2020.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird

It was late spring, the weather was beautiful and gardening duties were under control...time for a road trip.

Spent most days in North Dakota where they'd had lots of snow and spring rain.  That means all the ponds and sloughs were full of water, which in turn means a habitat for migrating birds.  Saw yellow-headed blackbirds just like this one in most every wetland I came across.  Good for them.

Photographed near Plumer, North Dakota on June 19, 2023.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Big Prairie Sky

We're currently in a deep freeze here in southern Alberta...definitely not good road trip weather.  So, in the meantime, here are a few pictures taken when it was good winter road trip weather.  

Gotta love the prairies...wide open spaces and an even bigger sky.

A five-minute drive will get me out of town and into the countryside.  Everyone should have that luxury.

Photographed near Winnifred, Alberta on January 28, 2017.

Friday, January 12, 2024

New Bruises and Broken Boards

As soon as I pulled up I knew something was distinctly different from my visit of just a few months earlier and quickly realized just what it was...the landowner had let cattle into the area to graze.  

Cattle are not particularly kind to old wooden buildings so the old church endured some new bruises and broken boards.  Sad to see.  

Glad the small cemetery nearby has a sturdy new barbed-wire fence that will keep it out of harm's way for many more years to come.

The Congregational Church near Gros Ventre-Tothill, Alberta was photographed on November 8, 2023.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Vapour Trails

I've always enjoyed watching the vapour trails of jets taking people to faraway places.  And this time the event was quite spectacular.  

The sun was just rising as two vapour trails intersected in the sky...what a beautiful way to begin the day. 

Photographed at Congregational Matthaus Cemetery near Schuler, Alberta on December 10, 2017.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

"Щасливого Різдва!"

According to the Julian calendar, it's Christmas today.

"Merry Christmas!" from Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church.

Supper tonight will be perogies and farmers sausage (with all the fixins, of course) followed by traditional Ukrainian honey cake for dessert.  And after all that good food (and something far from traditional)...popping a fine bottle of champagne just seems like the thing to do.  Happy Christmas!

Even though I'm only half Ukrainian doesn't mean I can't celebrate this special day whole heartedly.  Enjoy the holiday! 

Photographed near Boyle, Alberta on February 19, 2021.