Saturday, January 27, 2024

Madoc School

The former school in Madoc, Montana.

Had a nice visit with a father and son who were repairing a truck in their garage a little ways down the street.  

There's not much left in Madoc; some abandoned buildings, vehicles and machinery, a pair of old grain elevators, the train hasn't passed through town in decades...and that's just the way they like it.

I took my leave just as they were being called in for lunch by the head of the house.

Photographed on September 16, 2023.


  1. I would love to do a Montana trip. Lots to see that I have yet to see.

    1. Highly recommended. Lots of old schoolhouses and Lutheran churches way out in the middle of nowhere.

  2. I'll bet that school houses all the grades from 1 to 8 under one roof. It looks large enough.

    1. I've seen a few others similar to Madoc School in my travels. Pretty sure these large country schoolhouses were built in the 1930's as families grew. Wouldn't be surprised if they taught up to Grade 12 in the later years.
