Monday, September 02, 2019


A train trestle that crosses the Old Man River near Monarch, Alberta.

This is Herman.  He's a happy four month old puppy.

I stopped at a farm yard to ask permission to walk across their land to get a better view of the trestle.  As soon as I stepped out of the car Herman was there to greet me.  He's pretty friendly.  The lady of the house was home and said it would be fine to walk in to get a closer look.  Herman was raring to go so off we went.

The trestle spans about two thousand feet.

After a few shots I could see Herman holding his head up in the direction of the trestle.  A few minutes later I also heard it...a train was coming.

Bonus!  Talk about good timing!

Back up to the house and Herman headed for some shade beside the owner's car.

A big adventure calls for a big nap.

Photographed on August 26, 2019.


  1. That was a good day -- a trestle, a train and a puppy!

    1. It was a good day, Debra! Thank you. Herman is a real sweetie.

  2. Perfect timing. Now I'm left to wonder about who had the nap - puppy....or you?

    1. :-) I had to wait until I got back to the motel for my nap.

  3. Great catch of the train! And good company too..

  4. Replies
    1. Yes I did. Maybe next time I can take Herman for another walk through the countryside.
