Sunday, August 25, 2024

Empress Train Station

On my travels I've seen a number of historical train stations in various states of repair, disrepair, abandonment and restoration.  This one in Empress, Alberta is obviously of the latter and is my personal favourite.

It is the only Canadian Pacific Railway station in Alberta that utilizes this particular design (known as Plan X-12)...quite a handsome design all around.  

The roofline is decorated with finials bearing a wild rose design.  I'm not sure what the tall decoration is called but it seems to be the pinnacle of the building.  This is the only train station I've seen in Alberta that utilizes these lovely decorations. 

A peek through the windows.

Baggage and goods were handled through the double doors on the west end of the station.  This is also where farmers would drop off their milk and cream cans.  (An aside, I can remember going into town with my dad to drop off milk and cream cans at the Midale, Saskatchewan train station when I was five or six years old.) 

The eaves on the east end of the building are over six feet wide.  Passengers waiting for an afternoon train in the summer months would always be able to relax in the shade of the oversize eaves.

Another aside...all the historical photos of the Empress Station show it painted in that deep red-brown colour that is indicative of C.P.R. stations.  But, when I talked to a few people responsible for the restoration, they informed me that as the old paint was being scraped off the siding, they discovered the original colour was a soft creamy-yellow with forest green trim.  That's definitely a favourite colour combination...pleasant and inviting.        

I can't believe it's been over seven years since my visit here.  I must make an attempt to revisit.  

Photographed on June 2, 2017.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

End of Time

Photographed at Saint Margaret's Church and Cemetery near Eagle Butte, Alberta on June 2, 2024.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Saint Margaret's

Lots of spring rain followed by summer heat means lots of groundskeeping at Saint Margaret's.  I have to admit it's been hard to keep up with things this season but so far so good. 

Definitely a beautiful place out in the country.

Photographed near Eagle Butte, Alberta on July 6, 2024.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sun Bath

A prairie rattler enjoying a sunbath.

I have had a few startling encounters with them over the years but...

They won't hurt you in any significant way so, please don't hurt them or run them over.  They deserve a long and full life too.  

Photographed near Mayfield Cemetery in Saskatchewan on July 14, 2020.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pink and Yellow

Pink vetch and yellow clover in a green pasture against a sky of blue.  Something I look forward to every summer...simple pleasures.

Photographed near Tothill, Alberta on July 6, 2024.

Saturday, July 06, 2024


This is the first field of canola I've seen blooming this season.  Always a cheery sight.

Photographed near Woolchester, Alberta on July 6, 2024.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

1, 2, 3 and 2

The prickly pear cacti were putting on quite a show on the south facing hillsides this year.  We had some rain this spring so they were all plump and blooming their hearts out.

Of course the best shows are on rather steep hillsides so getting to them is one thing, staying upright and not sliding down the hill while taking photographs on the sandy slopes is another.

I took a slightly different path on the way back to the truck and was rewarded with this little pincushion cactus blooming brightly.  

Photographed in Medicine Hat, Alberta on June 22, 2024.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Springtime in Heather's Garden

I cleaned up and planted a few annuals plus a couple of perennials in Heather's Garden earlier this week.  It was a beautiful day for gardening...warm in the sun and cool in the shade, my kind of day.

It won't be long now before all the new plants grow some roots and start to fill out.  

Even after all these years, watching plants grow never seems to get old.

Heather's garden here in the hills has several clusters of stones, a few shells, a piece of driftwood and other decorations.  I noticed a small pile of stones behind the church so I decided to add them to her garden.  She liked to accent her garden with stones so I think she'd like this.     

Photographed at Saint Margaret's Church and Cemetery near Eagle Butte, Alberta on June 24, 2024.