Saturday, June 29, 2024

Springtime in Heather's Garden

I cleaned up and planted a few annuals plus a couple of perennials in Heather's Garden earlier this week.  It was a beautiful day for gardening...warm in the sun and cool in the shade, my kind of day.

It won't be long now before all the new plants grow some roots and start to fill out.  

Even after all these years, watching plants grow never seems to get old.

Heather's garden here in the hills has several clusters of stones, a few shells, a piece of driftwood and other decorations.  I noticed a small pile of stones behind the church so I decided to add them to her garden.  She liked to accent her garden with stones so I think she'd like this.     

Photographed at Saint Margaret's Church and Cemetery near Eagle Butte, Alberta on June 24, 2024.


  1. Thank you for such loving care to her garden and the church yard. Heather would have been many ways. The rest of the cemetery has been dealt with love and effort by 27 persons during today's work bee
