End of the day near Colgan, North Dakota.
Photographed on June 19, 2023.
The sign reads:
"St. Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church"St. Michael's Orthodox Church consecrated October 14, 1899, was the first permanent Ukrainian church erected in Canada. Until the parish joined the Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada in 1922, it was served by a Russian Orthodox Mission."The church was built by immigrants from northern Bukowyna, now the western Ukraine, who settled the Gardenton area after 1896. Measuring 48'x22'x33', the structure exemplified Bukowynian pioneer craftsmanship in architecture, interior decoration and religious furnishing. St. Michael's served as a focal point of spiritual and cultural life in the first Ukrainian settlement in Manitoba and remains a symbol of the continuity of the Ukrainian identity in Canada."The Historic Sites Advisory Board of Manitoba"