A beautiful white church before a brilliant blue summer sky.
The design of the cupolas is extraordinary. Each one is supported by eight small pillars forming an octagon. What makes these a standout is that usually the structure below the cupolas is completely closed-in whereas these are open to the elements...I bet the view is good from up there. And there's a bonus as well, the Orthodox cross below the centre cupola can be lit up at night.
Most outdoor altars are constructed of formed concrete painted white but this one is fabricated steel and powder-coated in silver-gray and gold.
The marble cornerstone...seventy-five years old this year.
The gate sign above the front entrance displays a golden tryzub flanked by two red maple leaves. The tryzub (trident) symbol dates back over ten centuries and is the official coat of arms of Ukraine.
God bless the Ukrainian people in these troubled times.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints was photographed in Kamsack, Saskatchewan on July 28, 2022.