Monday, May 31, 2021

Purple, White and Furry

Vinca blooming in a shady corner.

Creamy white flowers on the arched stems of Solomon's Seal.

And the cottontail bunny who helps with the lawn mowing.  

Photographed in Alex's yard on May 29, 2021.

White and Purple

The old-fashioned lilacs and honeysuckles are still in bloom here.

Sure signs of spring. 

Photographed in Medicine Hat, Alberta on May 29, 2021.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Holy Family

A mosaic tile scene of Jesus, Mary and Joseph above the front entrance of Holy Family Roman Catholic Church in the village of Odessa, Saskatchewan.

Finding such well executed art adds a highlight to the day.  

Photographed on May 19, 2021.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


The following happened in Fort Benton, Montana in the not so distant past.  Anyone who enjoys the company of a pet will identify with this story.  

Following is a quotation from a placard standing in the heart of Fort Benton: 
"Shep's Vigil

"In August 1936 a casket containing a sheepherder's body was loaded on a baggage car headed east for burial.  A dog, of collie strain, watched with anxious eyes.  He was there to meet every train year after year.

"Conductor Ed Shields by 1939 pieced the dog's story together, linking Shep with the body shipped that August day.  With the real story known, Shep became famous.  Many, many well-intentioned offers to adopt him were gently declined; friends knew Shep's sole aim was to keep his vigil.  Shep died on January 12, 1942, slipping on the tracks before an oncoming train.  His passing was mourned by all who knew his story.  He was laid to rest atop the bluff above the depot; his funeral was attended by hundreds.  Reverend Ralph Underwood took as his theme Senator George Graham Vest's 'Eulogy on the  Dog,' a tribute to a dog's faithfulness to his master which Shep so fully exemplified."
The above photo is the memorial where Shep is buried.  

"Forever Faithful" is a bronze sculpture by Bob Scriver that stands beside the walking path in downtown Fort Benton.  The Missouri River makes for a great backdrop.  The "FB" on the hillside in the upper right hand side of the photo is made of field stones painted white.

The hundreds of red-coloured bricks surrounding the base of the sculpture are individual and personal memorials to Shep.  These memorial bricks have been donated by people from all over the world...even from Medicine Hat.  

Animals are thankfully an important part of life.

Photographed on November 23, 2017.

Ida and Walter

Flowers for Ida...

...and a guitar for Walter.

The headstones are stained glass set into cast concrete.    

Photographed in Longlaketon United Church Cemetery near Silton, Saskatchewan on May 17, 2021.


Near Woodglen, Alberta.  Kopernick Parish Hall and...

...Ascension of Jesus Christ Ukrainian Catholic Church.  

Someone left a light on.

Photographed near on December 16, 2020.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Christ Church

Christ Church was built a few miles south of Abernathy, Saskatchewan in 1886.  

In 1904 it was moved into town and holds the designation of being the oldest church in the area as well as the longest surviving building in the village.

White with green trim is a perennial favourite.

A look through a window shows a spartan frills, no stained glass windows, nothing fancy.

Information courtesy of Canada's Historic Places.

Photographed on May 18, 2021.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cottonwood S.D. No. 171

An attractive one-room school near Pense, Saskatchewan.

The design of Cottonwood School is more like pioneer schools I've encountered in North Dakota than in Saskatchewan.  I love all the angles created by the varying roof dares to be different!

Photographed on May 17, 2021.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Святого Михайла

A look inside the little country church of Saint Michael's.

Close ups of the royal doors...

...and tabernacle.

The rich red, white and gold brocade of a priest's robe.

Peaceful and quiet inside.

Unassuming on the outside.

A tall wooden Orthodox cross stands with the spruce trees at the entrance to the cemetery.

Some history.

Saint Michael's Ukrainian Orthodox Church was photographed near Candiac, Saskatchewan on May 19, 2021.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saint Alban's Welcomes You

Saint Alban's Anglican Church was built 1914-1915. 

The gable roof is adorned with a small bell turret. 

Snow lays over the grave covers like a soft white blanket.

Wrought iron gates attached to stone pillars at the front of the church.

Photographed near Athabasca, Alberta on February 18, 2021.