Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Zortman Part 1 - Bales and Jail

When my work season was over in the fall of 2018 I decided to take a long awaited trip to north-central Montana.  I had planned the trip the previous winter and was really looking forward to a few days on the road and seeing the the sights. 

Zortman, Montana is a small community in the heart of the Little Rocky Mountains.  In the 1860's it was a place for prospector's to lay a claim and is now a destination for hunters and back roads tourists.  The Little Rockies look much like the Cypress Hills of Alberta and Saskatchewan but are almost twice the size in area and the highest peak is over 5700 feet. 

The above photo was taken along the main road into town.

One of the buttes close-up...lots of rocky outcroppings and evergreen trees.  There have been a number of forest fires in the Little Rockies over the years.

There were hay bales all along the prairie between the hills and the road...

...lots of bales.

The Zortman Jail...I'll bet many a drunken prospector spent the night here.

There's still a hitchin' rail to tie up the horses too.

Beyond the jail is Saint Joseph's Catholic Church where I'm sure many a confession was made...but that'll have to wait until "Zortman-Part 2" in the next post.

Photographed on October 19, 2018.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Westbrook S.D. No. 1024

Late afternoon sunlight on a brick-faced one-room-school near Theodore, Saskatchewan.

Just west of the school some farmers were picking up the last of their straw bales.  That's a job they like to get done before any snowfall but sometimes the weather just doesn't cooperate.  Some of the crops in the area didn't even get harvested before winter set in.

It was clear and cold but the sun was shining...that's always a bonus on a winter's day.

Photographed on December 18, 2019.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pink Violins

Saint Demetrius Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery is near Alvena, Saskatchewan.

There was a church here at one time but I couldn't find even a trace of it.  There were these splendid headstones that looked much like pink violins though.  I've only seen this style of headstone in a few cemeteries, all of which are in the surrounding area.

The "main cross" is a feature in most Catholic cemeteries.

I love the budded crosses that are so frequent in Ukrainian cemeteries.  The three discs (or circles) at the end of each arm of the cross is a representation of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Late afternoon and time to get back to the highway (before I get lost in the dark on the back roads).

Photographed on October 27, 2019.

Stone House

I was north of Sheho, Saskatchewan on my way to Whitesand Lutheran Church when I came across this remarkable stone structure.  I think it was a house...and it must have been pretty grand in its day.

Bonus...the moon was rising.

Photographed on January 6, 2020.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Tree Swallow at Saint Margaret's

A tree swallow in spring at Saint Margaret's Church and Cemetery in the Cypress Hills of Alberta.

Photographed on June 8, 2017.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Saint Columba at Tuxford

Saint Columba is a country church near Tuxford, Saskatchewan.  It's over one hundred and twenty years old and looking as lovely as ever.

The old part of the cemetery is to the south side of the church...

...while the more recent burials are placed well in front of and on the northern side.

I always enjoy seeing a country church whether it's something grand or one that is relatively tiny.  Saint Columba is definitely one of the latter.  This little church also takes "delightful" to a whole new level. 

It was good to see the grounds are still maintained and looking fine.

Just as I was leaving some blue sky was beginning to show.

I visited the church a little over two years ago.  You can see those photos here: Saint Columba

Photographed on December 15, 2019.

Holy Trinity at Kahwin

This is only one of the many historic churches to see in Lamont County, Alberta.  My visit here last winter coincided with over a foot of fresh snow and a temperature of -32°C...that's quite a welcoming, and best of all, it was a glorious week-long adventure in a winter wonderland. 

The congregation of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church at Kahwin was formed in 1931.  The building was constructed in 1934 by the highly skilled and renowned church builder John Mnoholitny who was responsible for building over twenty churches across Canada.

The fiftieth anniversary memorial table can be seen on the right hand side in the photo.

The dome and cupolas are hand painted a brilliant bronze colour.

The bell tower with three bells.

The Orthodox crosses with three cross beams make for prominent headstones in the cemetery.

A view of the cemetery with a memorial table dedicated to the pioneers of the Kahwin district.

Information courtesy of Canada's Historic Places and the Canadian Orthodox Historic Project.

Photographed on January 8, 2019.

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Snow Geese

A gaggle of snow geese spotted southwest of Bow Island, Alberta.  I always enjoy seeing the snow geese heading south for the winter.  They make a wondrous noise too.

Photographed on November 27, 2016.