Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Spring Flowers

Filled a mini-fridge full of spring bulbs this past fall so I've been enjoying spring flowers (indoors, of course) for the past couple of months.  Still have about another month's worth yet to bloom.  This is the first time I've forced bulbs in years but will definitely be making it an annual event in years to come.   

Photographed on May 25, 2024.


  1. I had a friend in Winnipeg who always used to force bulbs of daffodils and hyacinths for Spring. She'd give me one every year -- how welcome that gift always was! By the end of winter, we are all starving for floral beauty!

    1. I've given away several pots of crocus, hyacinth and grape hyacinths over the past couple of months. Can't beat the gift of flowers...especially in winter.

  2. Wish we had the fridge space to do the same, although I'd have to pass on the hyacinths which don't agree with my allergies.

    1. Flowers from the forced spring bulbs brightened up many a winter day.
