Wednesday, November 01, 2023

"Dia de los Angelitos"

"Day of the Little Angels" is a day set aside to honour the lives of those who have died as children.  Celebrate their passing with a favourite food, by lighting a candle or in a special way that helps keep their memory alive. 

The photos here show a child's grave at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery near Gronlid, Saskatchewan.

The following day is called All Souls' Day and celebrates the lives of those who have passed away as adults. 

Photographed on September 25, 2023.


  1. I did not know about this. Thank you for posting it.

  2. A finne Mexican tradition these 2 days..picnics at grave sides
    As for me Nov 1 all Saints Day marked with solemn services

    1. "Day of the Little Angels" is a wonderful tradition as is All Saints' Day...lots of little known saints worthy of a celebration.

  3. I haven't heard of this before. It's always sad to see the graves of children (or in my case, to come across early deaths when I'm poking about on Ancestry).

    1. It's (mostly) a traditional celebration of life in the Latin American countries.
